Sophia Family: a few things to notice…

Sophia Family:

For now, the public chatroom is working well for us as a family, but as the site grows, we have our own chatroom set up now as both an embedded room (Family Chatroom Page), and a popup chatroom as well, accessible from your popup chat app. I have made the adjustment now so only family members can access that room. Please familiarize yourself with it.

Sweet Irony: Judgement Day for the “Real Girl”

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Remember the sweet, innocent girl who Goddess Kayla took under Her wing so kindly, only for her to turn on U/us all, and point the finger of judgement, and spread rumors about O/our beloved Beth? Mmhmm, accused My wonderful Beth of having fake pics, in fact cast us all to hell because some of us use “avatars” to play and get our fun on.

Well, she was so utterly disgusted, and of course so very REAL-LIFE, that she forgot to confess that she is not who SHE claimed to be, and in fact is a big old phoney baloney herself.

The actual girl whose pics she uses is called Princess Heidi, also from Australia (is that where “Katie” is from actually? hmmm)

Exhibit A:



Attention: Inbox Messages

Today we learned a couple of things about our inbox messaging system.

1) make sure to click on the SUBJECT to view your messages, then you can reply. Do not click on the sender’s name or anything else, or it reroutes you.

2) Be sure your nicknake doesn’t have any odd lettering or punctuation marks that may confuse the site’s database. I was trying to message someone and their nickname would not pop up like normal, but instead formed some code…

3) The main question I have been receiving is how to even check inbox messages.  Do not just click on the blue envelope symbol, you have to actually click to see messages, so be aware of that. There are 2 interfaces where you can do so, the top right corner, after hovering over your account name/info, and also on your actual profile page, where you have a complete dashboard of stuff you can do :)

This should help if anyone is running into problems!

Cathy xoxo

Public Chat is now Members only!

Now that all are familiar with the way to log into the public chat, I have changed the chat to “logins only” so, say bye bye to the various Ninja names. :)
The only issue is, if you forget to log into your account in “Chat” then you will see a message saying “loading” and won’t know why, well this is the reason!
Also, I have created a separate chatroom in the Sophia Family Group for future use that will be moderated.
– Cathy

Attention new members: Activation and Notification emails going right to spam

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Here is an example of a new user who had all their emails going right into their gmail spam bin. Bree had tried to register but could not get in last night until I manually activated her account. Be sure to check your spam on yahoo and gmail, etc. Best way to fix this is to redirect the actual email by clicking ‘not spam” or adding the domain to your address book or contacts!

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Cathy xoxo



Update: 11-26-14

I received questions already about privacy here. The site at large is public for now, but your profile information is for the most part members only, and some fields you can set privacy on your own. Groups can be hidden, public or private, and that means their content is also the same. Your personal media can be uploaded into albums you can create and control. I also have set the site wide default setting of personal media privacy to logged in members only, which basically means you have to be a member here to see someone’s pics. Also, I added personal members’ ability to control privacy on media now :)

Thanks, and back later with more, as we work!

Cathy xoxo