Castle of Sensual Hierarchy

Castle of Sensual Hierarchy Discord Server

(Rules of Conduct/Getting Set Up)

Welcome to Castle of Sensual Hierarchy. W/we are a female-based D/s community, specializing in the Erotic Arts, with a competitive edge. Here is how to get set up to be able to have permission to view all public channels:

1) Read the rules channel, and then simply click on the thumbs-up 👍 emoji at the end.
2) Verify your membership role in the ⁠D/s-role-verification channel by using the drop down menu.
3) Next, please select all your D/s interests in the interests channel by clicking any pertinent emojis.
4) Then, click the emoji that represents your birth sign our zodiac signs channel.
5) Last, please request permission by posting a pic of your visual model in the model registry channel, then you are good to go!

Here is the invite link to go back to our server rules channel.
Enjoy the fun! {Below is a copy of our server rules that you can save as a reference point by bookmarking this link.}


  1. Members must be at least 21 years of age. Members should identify as female, for purposes of role-play.
  1. Show respect for every member. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Drama will be met by a kick or a ban. Take personal arguments private. Don’t personally attack someone in public. Respect toward the moderator team is mandatory. No bullying, harassment, or aggressive behavior. CSH has a zero tolerance policy toward racist, sexist, homophobic behavior. Please avoid religious or political discussion in the public channels.
  1. Dominance and submission culture and protocol should be observed and will be strictly enforced. Try to refer to all Dominants as Miss, Mistress, Goddess, where appropriate, and spelled with Capital letters. Subs should be referred to with lowercase letters.
  1. Roles: please verify roles regarding D/s persona, interests and zodiac in the appropriate channels by reacting with emoji. This will help other members understand how to refer to you as well as finding those with common interests.
  1. Before taking a sub, a Domme, or a girlfriend, communicate with anyone who might be affected. For example, the last person who previously owned the sub/last girlfriend. Register all such relationships in the #relationship-registry channel! The Sophia Elite Family is the premiere D/s family on the server. Wanna join us? Simply speak to a member, denoted by Sophia Family role on their server profile.
  1. Unless already approved, please do U/us the courtesy of listing your proposed model (your role-play avatar) in the #model-registry channel!
  1. Try to avoid bombarding a new person and overwhelming them. Be friendly but cordial, and allow the person who introduced them to the server to acclimate them.
  1. Playing in public channels can be fun, and is encouraged, as long as it doesn’t disrupt more important happenings, such as public ceremonies or an admin speaking to the membership.
  1. Each member is limited to one account only. CSH does not encourage multiple accounts.

Future of PGW

Dear members,

Apologies for having some tech issues recently, as well as not keeping things up to date, but the site is now fully back and updated. After 10 great years, and much reflection and research, I have decided that the traditional function of PGW must come to an end. I will be keeping the site online, but gradually phasing out the chat and chatroom functionalities, and dedicating this space to becoming more of a directory, a place to keep our profiles and content, as well as to meet and connect, rather than a place to chat. PGW will still have site mail messaging, but the chatrooms and chat functions, while very much improved from the old system, must be closed down within the next few months. Recent trends dictate that people would rather enjoy chatting on apps such as discord. Soon I will be constructing a new community on discord, where chatting and chat groups work much easier, and are thriving; it’s just too difficult to keep chatrooms active on a website these days, and God knows we have tried! So please, by all means, keep posting your photos, update your profiles etc. here, but you are very welcome to come visit our discord server and reconnect with us there:

Our PGW discord server will also soon change, as we create a new community, which will be dedicated to Erotic D/s, which has long been the central interest of members here. I am working on some technological advances that may enable this site to be directly connected to our discord server, so stay tuned for that! I am very excited at our new prospects and am sure everyone will enjoy what lies in the future for us!

Thank you all for 10 amazing years on Planet Girl World.

Love you all,

Cathy xoxo

Chat Support: Friends only?

Attention members: Your chat widget can create a conversation with any member, not just friends. However, the friends tab will still display your friends only. To start a conversation with someone who is not your friend, simply use the chat composition icon as seen below, and you can also search all site members to select the recipient.

There is also a setting on mobile you may be interested in whereby you can control who can message you for a chat. (see below):

Hope this helps!


Tutorial: How to check who is in Chat

Some members have been a bit confused as to how to check to see who, if anyone is online when they are.
There are 2 main ways currently, to see who is available for you to chat with.

I. Public Chatroom: At the very top of the Public Chatroom, simply click the participant icon as seen here:

This will reveal the following list, and as you can see, the very top names have a small green dot, which signifies they are online and active. You can also see the number of members online. In this case there is seven.

II. Chat Widget: The chat widget is your handy list which has 3 tabs: Messages, Friends, and Groups. Please click the friends tab, and you will notice the top friends in your list are actually those who are currently online and active. For now, yes you must add a friend first to be able to chat.

I hope this clears things up. If you still have questions, just ask one of our chat moderators and they will help you, thanks and enjoy!

‘Load More’ feature added to feed

Hey guys! Just wanted to mention that I became aware of the issue on mobile where the feed just kept on loading and some of you never got to access the widgets at thew bottom of the mobile version of the site. Features such as Online Members, Latest Photos, My Profile, and Upcoming Birthdays, were not able to be seen, but for a split second. Well, now there is a Load More button at the bottom of the activity feed so enjoy!

Site Mail and Chat icons fixed

Just wanted to mention that the confusing issue with the two envelope icons has been fixed now. So, from now on, remember, you can check and use site mail messaging system by using the mail or envelope icon on your profile toolbar (left side on desktop), and you can view and use your chat messages by utilizing the chat bubble icon. Any other issues or suggestions just let me know! Enjoy and tell everyone you know about PGW 2.0!

PGW 2.0 is live!

After so much rumor and many announcements, the naysayers have been finally put to shame, as PGW. 2.0 is now here. I told everyone there would be a new shift toward a more amicable culture here, and we did it. I told you we would have a new chat application and we now have it installed and functional. I told you the site would be totally revamped and it is. I am very happy to announce that our new sandbox is now here and ready for you all to play and have fun. Everything works way better than it ever did before, so don’t hesitate, tell all your friends to come back to Planet Girl World and make it your home again!

The next step is doing some marketing and recruiting; bringing lots of new faces here, to our all-female version of Facebook. Tell a friend! Ain’t no stopping us now!

While PGW is functioning now and most of the new features are installed and most of the basic designing is ready, there will be quite a few more tweaks and changes, so stay tuned. On the downside, we had to let go of all our old media, ie: old photos and videos you guys may have posted in the past. Lots of old posts, polls and discussions may have been lost, but its time to forget the past and make new memories, which is what PGW 2.0 is all about!

One thing to note: from a slight glitch in the migration process, we lost the height listing in member profiles, so would you all kindly fill in your heights by editing the about section of your personal profile on the site? * Any issues or difficulties please leave a comment here and we will get on it ASAP! Thanks!

See you on the site,


New Improvements: Discord Chat Access

We now have a widget in the right side bar where you can see who all is on our Discord Server at any given time, as well as a link to join us. Additionally, I created a new site page so that you can seamlessly enter our Public Chatroom on discord as well. All you have to do is look at our site menu, under chat rooms, and click on Public Chatroom (Discord) and it will present you will a full page (as long as you have installed the discord app for desktop course). In case you have trouble, the direct link is here.
MANY more improvements are on the way, so buckle in!

Important: Please read!

As I have talked about before, PGW needs some improvements and I have been diligently working on some goals to make out home better. First and foremost, it’s time for us to move to a better, faster server that can accommodate the traffic and space we need to properly function. This means a slight increase in our biannual costs, and I have been waiting until it was time to pay the normal bill, which is always May 12th. So, ladies, some of you have already helped out for this bill, and we are already at $210 thus far, which is appreciated but we have to make the $600 goal by then. So, I am asking all of you please help me be able to pay this server bill. It will mean so much to your experience here, and then I can get to work on all the new enhancements and improvements we so badly need here! Anything helps, be it $5 or whatever. You can use our donation page here. if you do not have paypal or know how to create one, you can also send a donation via Amazon Gift Card (US only) to ve*************@gm***.com . We really need everyone to pitch in this time, whatever you can afford. Then we can relax and get to work!

Thank you ALL so much for being part of this move!


Cathy Sophia, Team Panda 🐼